Sunday, March 30, 2014

Now I'm back on my feet

This whole post should be read with this musical accompaniment!!

Today was THE day.

The "oh my gosh, what was I thinking half marathon day".

Here are all the details that you have been dying to hear. 
(interspersed with random pictures)
This would be my marathon medal. :) 
 So, we went down to the city on Saturday afternoon and checked in at our hotel.
 (my parents and I)

I then went to get my race packet. My mom and I ended up getting free massages and some random souvenirs at the race expo. 

I felt better after I went to the expo because not everyone there was in perfect shape. There were a variety of people, ages, sizes, etc- going to get their packets. 
It goes against my personal beliefs to NOT eat cheesesteaks while in Philly.

We were only one block from the Reading Terminal Market.

 If you are ever in Philadelphia,

 I highly recommend it.

 It's got everything from amazing cheesesteaks to book stores to Amish donuts made by the Amish.

We carbo loaded by eating cheesesteaks and what my mother said were "the best fries I have ever had".

I went to bed bizarrely early.

 Like 8:30 pm.

We stayed at the 4 points Sheraton, which was perfectly located for everything and comfortable and fun.

At 7:15 the next morning I caught a cab to the race site.

It was raining- icy, windy rain.

 And luckily for me, it continued through out the entire race :)

I got into my corral (at the back!) and was just ready to get this thing over with.

It's sad that it was such a rainy day as the race took us around some of the best parts of Philly. 

The art museum, city hall, fairmont park, everywhere.

At mile 3, I ran into my former intern Laura, who actually came up from NC to see me race.

She walked mile 3 with me.

But I was then on my own for miles 3-12.5.

You guys, I am not an inspirational marathoner.

It was SO hard. I was sooooo cold, my hands had started swelling up, my clothing was completely soaked through, and I couldn't feel my feet after mile 6.

My music got annoying, 

I kept looking over my shoulder for the 'sweeper van'.

It was hard almost every step of the way.

By mile 11 I was so ready for it to be over.

If someone had offered me a ride at that point I would have taken it.

 I was actually fantasizing about being driven across the finish line.

 I had absolutely no 'finish line fever'.

So, I finally see the Art Museum (where I know the finish line is) but I feel like it keeps getting further and further away, like a mirage.

And then, with about half a mile to go I see her.

My mom.

She is walking toward me in a poncho.

She (and then my friend Laura) walked the last half mile with me.

I don't know if I would have made it without them:) 
Coolest moment of the whole race for me. 
And here it is....
I crossed the finish line in just under 4 hours.

 About a 18 minute mile pace.

But I could care less about my time. 

I did it. 

I finished it. 

And I wasn't even last. 

The things that kept me going were: the memories of my coworkers cheering for me- my mom always telling me that pioneer women crossed the plains with no feet- thinking about how much I want my nieces to see me doing this stuff- and dreaming about the bubble bath I was going to take when I got home.

A year and half ago, I couldn't walk a quarter mile. 

I would take breaks to sit down while walking through walmart. 

Today, I walked (and ran about 2 miles total) 13.1 miles. 

If I can do, anyone can do it. 

Lori Ann
A marathoner 


  1. You are amazing !!!! Such an inspiration!!! I thought if u all morning I knew you could do it !!! You rock !!!!

  2. Aw Lori, this post makes me all teary eyed, in the best way! I'm so happy for you. What an incredible achievement! You're such an inspiration, and I can't wait to see what amazing things you'll do next :)

    1. Thanks!!! I appreciate all of your supportive comments :) I think I am finally able to just be excited about it now that I am no longer exhausted:)

  3. The hairs on my arms are literally standing up and I have tears in my eyes reading this. You are such an inspiration to me! You are amazing!!!

    1. Thanks, Tyler!!! You should come out and do the Philadelphia Marathon with me. I am going to wait until 2015 for that one- it gives me a 18 months to train!! Let's do it!! (and we can have a whole crazy weekend in Philly!)
