Tuesday, July 27, 2010

If you want to talk about it once again

My personal career philosophy

I am listening to Tracey Chapman "Baby, can I hold you tonight?".

 I don't know what it is about Tracey Chapman music that speaks to me so strongly.

You know how some kids don't look that much like their parents?

 Or how some siblings don't look like each other, but, if you catch them in the right moment, when they do a certain gesture, you can see it?

 You can see the similarities and how they are related?

I think that is what Tracey Chapman is for me.

It's the traces of my Dad's love of music that you can see in me.

I am more than half way through Don Quixote and I have to say that the Read the 100 best books of all time goal in my goal book has been the most enlightening and rewarding goal so far.

 From Dickinson to Austen to Twain to Cervantes, I've really come to understand why these are the greatest books ever written.

I've come to feel like these authors are my friends.

The only book which I did not love was "Heart of Darkness" by Joseph Conrad. Eeek.

I spent 2.75 over my 40 dollar budget.

Now I can't spend ANY money until next Friday.

Saving for something important, but can't talk about it...
(and no, its not gender reassignment surgery or anything like that! It's not even for me!)

I wish all of my friends would blog more.

 I need some entertainment at work, people!

I called out one of my clients.

 I know, not as thrilling as a real call out.

 But for me, its progress.

 Usually I don't care about people and their loud mouths, but I wanted her to stop ruining my craft group for everyone else.

 I told her that if she needed to say something to me, she should say it.

 But she just needed to man up and look me in the eye when she did it.

That's my call out story.

Super professional, right?

If you were going to write a trashy romance novel, what would your first sentence be??

Lori Ann

1 comment:

  1. I hated Heart of Darkness. :P

    Heather (the cousin - different blog for entertainment... if I remember to update it)
