Tuesday, July 20, 2010

There's a whistle up above..

Patrick the robot, in the trash
(Part of my "express yourself through artistic photos" activity)

One of the best/worst things about the life of a Spinster:

You have to work outside of the home.

Some days its amazing and I love my crazy job.

Some days it sucks and I wish I was home, tending little ones, while a husband earned money.

One of the funniest and most bizzare things about working outside of the home is


It's a little like the movie "Office Space".

There are company wide emails about shredding documents, preferred seating at company parties, management spies, backstabbing, confrontational staff meetings, and much more.

Management has bathrooms that only they are allowed to use. There have been secret meetings at the local steakhouse, only workers allowed. Management has had secret meetings at the coffee shop. I have secret meetings with myself in the cleaning closet.
. (I'm getting a little irritated though, because I am the only one that signs up to bring treats to my secret meetings..come on, everyone needs to take a turn!)

Sometimes there are the strange promotions and mysterious firings. People come and go and move up and down in the company and you never know why.
(I tried to sleep my way to the top, but the lack of hotness in my superiors and my own dang morals kept that plan from really getting off the ground.)

I don't quite know how to end this post..maybe with a quote.

If you can smile when things go wrong, you have someone in mind to blame.


1 comment:

  1. I love that quote. I am going to put it up on M and D's fridge.
