Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Haters gonna hate hate hate

This post will start and end with a self indulgent selfie.

You are welcome.

This installment of the Michigan Series is called "Random Stuff that you won't find all the thrilling"

 Brace yourself to be moved to both laughter and tears.

This was me in the car.

Is it obvious that I am slowly dying on the inside?

It's always interesting driving from the East to the Midwest.

The land gets slowly flatter and flatter and there is so much corn.

Who is eating all of that corn?

Holy Hannah.
My mom and I.

I love that I am like a good foot taller than her.

Does anyone else feel a feeling of mild despair for the residents of places like Toledo?

I feel like it's where you end up when you've given up on all of your dreams.

My parents actively refused to pose for me.

They don't understand how important this blog and my instagram feed are to the world. :)

Erin kept me entertained throughout the trip.

This is just a sampling of the many texts exchanges that kept me from going over the edge and murdering my brother at a rest stop. 

We got Verner's soda as soon as we got there.

It's only available in Michigan.

Michigan also sells liquor in their grocery stores.

The Bourbon was right across from the capri suns.

That's got to be convenient for stay at home moms.

Give the kids their capri sun and put them in front of Dora.

Then have a few shots of the good stuff and send angry texts to your husband.

This was me, trying to look casual.

Like "Oh, just chilling in the bathroom of this hotel. Good moment for a selfie"

But this glamorous look wasn't casual.

It took me like 7 minutes.

There is a real person behind all this glitz and sparkle, people.  

Lori Ann