Thursday, June 26, 2014

Come away with me

I feel kind of bad for my loyal band of blog readers (you know who you are!)

Every couple of months I get obsessed with a topic that I can intellectually recognize is really only interesting to me but I can't stop myself from talking about.

 And recently it's been a reoccurring obsession with exercise.

 So, I apologize for the excessive blogging about my never ending battle to become a legit marathoner.

 When I am a world famous runner, I won't forget any of you!

(and by 'wont forget' I mean of course I will, or at best I might vaguely say "hey there" with a look of disdain when you show up at my book signing)

ANYWAY, on to today's walk...

8.5. The farthest I have walked since the last halfie.

I wish these crappy iphone pictures could capture how stunningly beautiful it is here. Even in the devil summer

I've kind of sworn off selfies (due to repeated harassment by my sisters) but you shouldn't keep this kind of sexy from the world

And lastly...your daily Sugar. This is what I call her 'show pony' position. She thinks she is a fancy cat :)

59 days until the next half marathon. I learned today that I am going to need AT LEAST one sweat band and one of those camel portable water things to make it through this one.

Wish me luck!!

Lori Ann

1 comment:

  1. Personally I LOVE hearing about your training! It is so inspiring to me!
