Saturday, October 5, 2013

It don't run in our blood

Another Random Picture Post from the kick off of my Birthday Weekend!!

You guys, a year ago today, I was here
Scariest license picture ever taken
Today I walked my first 5K. And not to be self congratulatory but  I could have kept going.
I was obsessed with getting a picture of my FIRST EVER shirt number thing. But I ended up looking like a perv taking multiple pics of the chest.
If you are considering a 5K, this one was tons of fun;) 
I did get kind of bored waiting for it to start. I arrived at least 2 hours early to get good parking. Hence the excessive number of weird selfies.
I was SO excited to cross this finish line. It's the first one I have ever crossed. 
We are having a heat wave here and I was sweating like I'd been in a sauna. That's for the sweating genes, Dad;) 
Other people looked cute and girly and sparkly at the end. I looked like I was getting moldy. 
My mom and nieces/nephews got me 130 balloons- one for every lb I've lost. (well, technically its 138 but I told my mom I forgave her for the missing 8 ballons:)  I've got a seriously amazing and supportive family. I thank God for them every day!!
Close up of Elly doing her now classic Elly jump!
My mom is so awesome. She always knows when I am kind of just hanging in there. I can't believe she spent 130 dollars on balloons. It meant the world to me though. 
All of this on Conference weekend. It's like the best weekend ever and  a great way to send out 33 and welcome year 34, baby!!

Next up on TSC- my goals for year 34. They are going to be very different from what I've done before.

Brace yourselves:)

Lori Ann


  1. Lori, you look amazing!! Well done on the 5K too! What an achievement!
    The color run is coming to our town next year, maybe I'll sign up :)
    Happy birthday!!! I can't wait to see your next goals :)

  2. I'm so proud of you not because it matters how much you weigh or how much you've lost but that you were able to do something that felt important to you. That's something to be congratulated on.

  3. Your rack looks fabulous! I'm glad you documented it!

  4. I think you are awesome, Lori!!! You deserved every one of those balloons!
