Sunday, October 31, 2010

Just wait and see..aka I'm sorry for not getting it, North Carolina aka the triumph of Fear


Chalk up another victory for FEAR.

Fear and I have a never ending battles -which fear usually wins!  

I was ALL set to go and sleep out in the field behind my office, when I decided to watch what AOL termed

  "the 20 scariest movie scenes of all time"

Big mistake. 

Looks like this goal will have to go back on the shelf for another year.

 Dang it. 

However, as a small consolation prize, I have promised myself that I will be 


when I go home for Thanksgiving!

Lori Ann

p.s. On a side note, I have been lamenting being trapped in North Carolina for another fall.

I have been dreaming of the crisp, chilly, and stunningly beautiful fall days of Pennsylvania.

I asked God to help me not hate where I live, and He opened my eyes to see that I was

surrounded by beauty. 

p.p.s. Happy Halloween, pork chops!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. First off, I didn't mean to delete my comment!

    What I said was, you are way better than me! I couldn't even sleep on my mom's deck attached to her house!!! I would have watched those movies with you, but I would have covered my eyes and ears 99% of the time.

  3. Crap!

    I totally forgot that Sunday night was Halloween. I was all set to come and camp out too, and I didn't even have Seminary Monday morning. I'm a pathetic friend.

  4. Fear does not exsit in this doejo
