Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Anywhere you go, I'll follow you down

Random Thoughts: The Modern Family Night Edition

1. This commute- now almost 2 months of driving 60 miles each way- is killing me.

 And the apartment that I dad inspected it and gave it the kibosh.

 Back to the drawing board.
2. I do not miss the South. I still have nightmares about those endless summers!

 They started in March and ended in November!

However, I do miss the small agency I worked for. I work at a big company now and I swear, every day I see someone new.

My chances of winning any kind of award at the Christmas Party are slim to none. :|

4. Is it weird to leave fruit snacks on some one's car semi anonymously?
It was NOT Henry's car again. I swear, I've stopped stalking him.

 So don't ask how I found these photos online. 


5. My schedule is later now that I am in Out Patient Therapy, so I listen to Delilah every night on my drive home.

 Delilah is like crack to me.

6. I'm having a breakfast party with my favorite people tomorrow.

 You're invited.

 Be in Q-town by 8 am and there may be a jelly donut with your name on it!!
Lori Ann

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