Thursday, July 24, 2014

Cheers to lunch at night

Erin is home!!!

I always forget how crazy and fun it is here until Erin gets home. 

Here are just a few quotes from her being here about 12 hours...
Erin Leigh!!!

"If you and Lor got into a lesbian relationship, you would totally be the husband"
(to my sister Danielle)

"Yeah, everyone better get their flu shots before they get bitten by an illegal immigrant"

"Don't point your sausage finger at me!"

"You better get this cat to the vet!"

"People are just telling me that you post too many selfies, that's all"

"What are you learning from watching the news? Nothing!"

"You are living the life of a 65 year old woman!"

" I gotta be truthful. It creates safe boundaries"

"Grandpa has been pooping in a bucket"

"Why are you tired? You went to bed at like 8:30 pm!"

"You should be grateful for any donut we give you!"

"Your boy RSimmons was last seen holed up in a cabin with a bunch of donuts"

"Why are you all raged up, juiced up, and chasing the dragon at like 6:30 in the morning?"

"If we were druggies , I would be the pot head and you would be the coke addict"

Erin is the coolest person on Earth, I swear.

Even if she makes me feel like a bad cat mom :)

I got so lucky to get her as a sister.


Lori Ann

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