Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Hinsdale Family Folklore

I don't know how all of you feel about English muffins.

They are kind of the love of my life.

Well, that's probably understating it a bit.

They are my very reason for existing and they get me through bleak, endless day after bleak, endless day.

So, imagine my confusion when this morning, I look over to see my brother eating something that looks strangely like MY English muffins.

"Is that an English muffin?"

(I say this in the same tone someone might say "Why did you kill my baby?")


Deep breath. Hold it together, Lori. Hold it together.

"Was it the LAST English muffin?"

(I say this in the tone of "your mother better come by and say goodbye to her baby boy because this is it for you")


I have heard of people seeing red but I'd never experienced it until 5:52 am this morning, watching my brother eating my LAST English muffin.

Unfortunately, while I was sorting through the kitchen knives, trying to find one sharp enough to do some real damage, my dad took him to work.

And brought me an English muffin from Dunkin Donuts.

I just wanted this recorded for my posterity.

Because seriously, some things are sacred.

Family. Country. Religion.

And above all else...English muffins.

Sleep with one eye open, Jr!

Lori Ann

p.s.- My niece Katy got a kitten! It's name changes every hour but it's ORANGE! Welcome to the crazy cat lady club, Katy!

1 comment:

  1. Thank goodness for Dad......and watch your back Jr....I heard she's a bit OCD about her muffins...LOL
